.. py:currentmodule:: scikit_stan Internal API Reference ====================== Here is a documentation of methods internal to the package, which are subject to considerable change between releases. No promises of backwards compatibility are made with these methods. The package consists of a single general class for estimators, which is modelled after sk-learn's Estimator class. ******* Classes ******* CoreEstimator -------------- .. autoclass:: scikit_stan.modelcore.CoreEstimator :members: ****************** Validation Methods ****************** .. currentmodule:: scikit_stan.utils.validation Validating Family-Link Choice ----------------------------- .. autofunction:: validate_family Note that the package has a consistent internal numbering scheme for families and links alike. Specifically, since Stan does not support strings, families, links, and priors have internal numeric representations. Families are mapped as follows: * "gaussian": 0, * "gamma": 1, * "inverse-gaussian": 2, * "poisson": 3, * "binomial": 4, * "negative-binomial": 5, Link functions are mapped as follows: * identity - 0 * log - 1 * inverse - 2 * sqrt - 3 * inverse-square - 4 * logit - 5 * probit - 6 * cloglog - 7 * cauchit - 8 Validating Input Data ---------------------- .. autofunction:: check_array .. autofunction:: check_is_fitted .. autofunction:: check_consistent_length .. autofunction:: _num_samples Validating Priors ----------------- .. autofunction:: validate_prior .. autofunction:: validate_aux_prior